Zach Schapel

Full-stack engineer and expert in software architecture.

Designing and building sophisticated, secure, scalable software for over 15 years. With hundreds of successful projects deployed through both website and mobile devices.

Not just a coder, a proven software engineering leader who can drive success through innovation, technical ability, and critical problem solving.

Proven experience in a vast number of software engineering disciplines, frameworks, coding languages, and project management styles.

Bringing in vast development experience from every aspect of a complex technical project. Expert level on frontend development, backend development, project management, software lifecycles, UI/UX design, and continuous deployment + scaling on multiple services.

A senior software engineer with a unique ability to adapt to many different frameworks and strategies. Every problem requires a different tool, and the perspective to see a solution from many angles.

Software Architecture








AWS Cloud


Redux / Toolkit






Engineering Leadership
















Talk is cheap.
Here is the work.
(some of it...)

Hundreds of mobile applications, desktop applications, and web-based applications.

Fusion Tracking


A combined data source platform that is used by strategic US military partners for monitoring, collecting, and reacting in real time to hundreds of event types. Operators in the field often rely on low/no connection scenarios, and a minimal mobile app with an offline/online queue stack was connected to a secure private server.

Contribution: Staff Software Engineer

Architecture: Given the sensitive nature of all ingested data, the platform was deployed using secure, isolated Virtual Private Servers on dedicated instances. The systems run off a standard Apache stack, with all primary resources fully contained within the system. Ingest of large data sets is handled by a scalable Kafka event bus which distributes both single reports, and large data sets to separate ingestion services. The frontend interfaces are powered by pure JS and jQuery, without any additional libraries. Real-time notifications and data alerts are handled by the Websockets connection, also utilizing a Redis pub/sub server to deliver group relevant (map geohashed) alerts.

Frameworks: Kafka, jQuery, PgSQL, Websockets

Environments: Linux, Apache

Languages: JavaScript, Java, SQL


react + node.js

A large scale advertising platform, delivering near real-time unique content to hundreds of thousands of users. Combining both manually curated and AI-assisted content that is matched to users via partner indicators, personalization, and unique tracking markers. The system uses advanced techniques to deliver engaging content at low bandwidth margins, with great importance on both enhanced rendering methods of video content as well as advanced caching methods.

Contribution: Senior Frontend Engineer

Architecture: Deployed on S3 storage via a CDN for extreme scalability and resource loads. Backend is built on top of a Node environment with Nest, to easily support the concurrency requirements needed in this product. Frontend uses React as a base stack, with a separate loader bootstrap script that runs off an optimized Preact instance. Due to advertising constraints, the system interacts between on-page and in-frame assets smoothly, using an intelligent postMessage event bus without any user disturbance. Custom partner integrations include using a WebGL based video builders to leverage existing on-page and on-site assets, as well as direct integrations into native phone apps.

Frameworks: React, Redux, Node.JS, NestJS, PgSQL, DynamoDB, Kubernetes, Docker

Environments: AWS, S3, EC2, GitLab

Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, SQL

Metavent Explorer SaaS

react + java

A real-time virtual event experience with live audio, video, chat, polls, screen sharing, extensive micro-services integrations, and proprietary multi-tenant management tools including an Unreal Game Engine environment builder. Allows thousands of simultaneous users to visit custom themed virtual events, and participate in both small and large live conversation rooms with both one-to-many and many-to-many audio/video chats directly through the web browser.

Contribution: Software Architect, Lead Engineer

Architecture: Deployed on S3 storage via a CDN for extreme scalability and resource loads. The virtual environments are pre-built and loaded using a network of high-GPU cloud computers which build the custom environments in an Unreal Engine instance. Final assets are delivered to the browser using images and video files. The in-environment experience allows for hundreds of individual small rooms, and large audience rooms containing from 1 to 1,000 individual users. Real-time notifications and text chat rooms are delivered via a Websockets connection relaying to a separate REST API. Real-time audio and video are connected through the WebRTC technology of a browser, with scalable connections adapting to a peer-to-peer or peer-to-server configuration depending on the room size. Automatic video and audio recordings are stored and secured in a separate S3 box for later retrieval and exploration of the event.

Frameworks: React, Redux, Unreal Engine, MySQL, Websockets, WebRTC

Environments: AWS, S3, Windows Server, Linux, Apache

Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, SQL, Perl, C++

The Tree Health SaaS

react + python + laravel

A multi-tenant, HIPAA compliant healthcare platform managing thousands of clients and secure protected health data. Includes features like a large scale custom form builder, therapy group management, medication management, secure prescription order system, complex notifications and reminders, and more. Integrates a complex web application and two separate mobile applications, plus connections to numerous third party service integrations.

Contribution: Software Architect, Lead Engineer

Architecture: Deployed on multiple AWS cloud services with auto-build processes connected through GitHub branch updates. To allow for secure messaging and HIPAA compliance, a custom chat system with end-to-end encryption was built using MongoDB and Node.js + Express. Chat data is encrypted in transit and at rest, with complete data security including personalized tokens for each user. REST API built through a secure custom application structure on a CRUD database (MySQL) with ACID properties. Functional health application is powered through a combination of PHP rendered pages as well as a Java Spring Boot application for computationally intensive areas of the app.

Frameworks: React Native, Redux, Java Spring Boot, MySQL, MongoDB

Environments: AWS, Node.js, Linux, Apache, Tomcat

Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, SQL, PHP, Java

Alerting Mobile App

react + java

A public sector alerting mobile app was built to provide public emergency and safety alerts in environments like schools, hospitals, and entertainment venues.

Contribution: Senior Full-Stack Engineer

Architecture: A React Native mobile application which used a complex Redux state manager was deployed on both iOS and Android devices. A secure data connection established via REST commands is received and processed by a Java application, storing data in a MySQL storage system. For real-time alerts and notifications of emergency status a Websockets connection allows for real-time communication between the client and server. Custom native plugins were developed and utilized to allow for mobile functionality in low network and limited network environments, common to the use cases required in the public and law enforcement sectors.

Frameworks: React Native, Redux, Websockets, Java Spring Boot, MySQL

Environments: AWS, Apache, Tomcat

Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, SQL, Java

Metavent Creator SaaS

laravel + java spring

A real-time virtual event manager with complete account and event controls and a large hierarchy of permissions. Enables an organization to build live events with multiple departments and users all with varying levels of access and control. Also features a live-event control center for specialized connections while an event is in progress.

Contribution: Software Architect, Lead Engineer

Architecture: The primary application is delivered through a custom PHP and Laravel framework, supported by a large MySQL database and a Java application running a REST API. Secondary databases using MongoDB are used for larger analytics tracking, and the live chat + notifications. An application user can upload large numbers of files through S3, and issue build commands to a separate server hosting Unreal Engine to build environments in the background. The S3 storage system is also used to process large audio and video recordings of events for later retrieval. A complex permissions hierarchy with complete customization was needed to control multiple user access to the over 100 different significant features of the platform. Including calendars, reminders, user account controls, event configuration, room configurations, asset loading and approval, speaker profile management, time and room management, notifications scheduling, event moderation, and much more.

Frameworks: Laravel, Java Spring Boot, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis

Environments: AWS, Linux, Apache, Tomcat

Languages: PHP, Java, SQL

Billpro SaaS

react + nodejs + laravel + MySQL

A feature-rich, scalable SaaS platform for small creative agencies with user management, invoicing, estimates, payment integrations, file builders, storage, and more. Built as an ongoing solo project, everything from design, architecture, frontend, backend, to cloud deployment.

Contribution: Software Architect, Lead Engineer

Architecture: Deployed on multiple AWS cloud services with auto-build processes connected through secure GitHub branch updates. Utilized Node.js and MongoDB as an analytics and data engine for rapid scaling of write data. REST API built through a secure Laravel application structure for stable deployment of a structured CRUD database (MySQL) with ACID properties. As a successful experiment, deployed a separate microservice for authentication which issues JSON Web Tokens through a small Rust application and the MySQL RDS. Wrote and maintained hundreds of custom functions and helpers, including custom middleware for advanced multi-tenant and multi-level permissions.

Frameworks: React, Redux, Laravel, MySQL, MongoDB

Environments: AWS, Node.js, Apache

Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, SQL, PHP, Rust

Schoolie Web App

angular + java spring + mysql

A large-data consumer facing web app for school ratings, combining a national school search system and a complex large public data scrubbing, combining, and computational system. Acquired by GreatSchools in 2016 – https://blog.greatschools.org/2016/07/20/greatschools-acquires-education-technology-startup-schoolie/

Contribution: Senior Full-Stack Engineer

Architecture: Deployed on multiple AWS cloud services with auto-build and calculation-only servers for data processing. REST API built through a secure Java application structure for rapid deployment of a structured CRUD database (MySQL) with ACID properties. Microservice for large data processing was deployed on cloud instances which successfully processed millions of packets of data from thousands of public data sources. Implementation included extensive data caching, database query caching, data filtering and scrubbing algorithms, analytical computation, and eventual display on a searchable website application.

Frameworks: Java Spring Boot, MySQL, Angular

Environments: AWS, Linux, Apache, Tomcat

Languages: JavaScript, SQL, Java

Invitae Web App

nodejs + express + mongodb

Invitae’s health application integrates complex search and data points for thousands of health providers, with caching and direct integration of multiple data sources into a single application. Includes a frontend search and display system combining data points from thousands of national health providers, and an account registration app for secure data storage.

Contribution: Senior Engineer

Architecture: A simple CMS application is utilized for the primary web display to allow for rapid changes and client level control of static design elements. The backend data calculation utilizes a SOAP connection to Salesforce data, which is cached and recalculated on the AWS cloud on a regular basis. Cached data is made available to the CMS through GraphQL structure and a simple search engine connecting locations to Google Maps. Sign-up application built through a fast and scalable Node.js and Express architecture, with MongoDB on the backend.

Frameworks: WP CMS, SOAP, REST, MySQL, MongoDB

Environments: AWS, Node.js, Nginx

Languages: JavaScript, SQL, PHP

Kaizen Web App

next.js + node.js + graphql

A scalable web app powered by a headless CMS, with HIPAA data security and the ability to serve hundreds of thousands of simultaneous requests.

Contribution: Senior Engineer

Architecture: A simple CMS application is utilized for the primary web display to allow for rapid changes and client level control of static design elements. The backend data storage is structured through GraphQL, and pre-rendered on the server before being delivered to a client side NextJS app. CI/CD is managed through a quick release system directly integrated with multiple Github branches. Application will automatically build on both test and production environments, then deploy the built application through a large scale CDN for global accessibility.

Frameworks: WP CMS, NextJS, GraphQL, MySQL

Environments: Nginx

Languages: JavaScript, SQL, PHP

Mazda Training SaaS

nodejs + express + mongodb

An interactive mobile gaming experience was built to support Mazda’s release of their new CX-50 car model, with three custom browser games developed with the Phaser.io game framework. Authenticated through secure OAuth and a SAML bridge to Mazda servers, with real-time, high frequency score tracking for thousands of nationwide dealers.

Contribution: Software Architect, Lead Engineer

Architecture: Deployed on S3 storage via a CDN for extreme scalability and resource loads. A NodeJS and Express backend connected to MongoDB was deployed for high concurrency and fast recording of game scores into the network. A real-time scoreboard and leaderboard along with time-gated access to exclusive games and rewards was displayed within the React frontend framework.

Frameworks: React, Redux, Phaser.io, MongoDB

Environments: AWS, S3, Node.js, Express

Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, SQL

Schecter Guitars

react + django
A web app for a global e-commerce brand with a custom product builder and visualizer allowing for thousands of custom combinations. Technologies Used: Django, Python, PgSQL

Match Play Hub

react + laravel
A social matchmaking experience was built for thousands of simultaneous users to connect through sports & activities, with a horizontally scaling architecture for mobile app growth. Technologies Used: React Native, Laravel, MySQL, Firebase, Java, Objective-C